Despite the efforts for control and eradication of tuberculosis, new cases of the disease are diagnosed daily. The diagnosis of tuberculosis is easily made when the classical features of pulmonary necrotizing granulomatous inflammation are seen. However, extrapulmonary lesions may clinically and radiographically mimic a neoplastic process, and this may lead to misdiagnosis and delay in treatment. We studied 6 patients by aspiration biopsy, all recent immigrants and immunocompetent, who presented with weight loss and fatigue. Of these, 5 patients had a mass. One patient presented with a lytic lesion of bone. In all cases the clinical diagnosis was neoplasia. In all aspirates, the smears showed necrotic debris with neutrophils. No neoplastic cells or granulomas were seen. All cases were signed out descriptively with no specific diagnosis. A search for acid-fast organisms leading to the correct diagnosis of tuberculosis was prompted by clinical investigations that revealed pulmonary lesions, or by repeat aspiration biopsy, which showed granulomatous inflammation. Tuberculosis when present in atypical forms is still a challenging diagnosis. The finding of necrotic debris in a needle biopsy without the clinical signs of an abscess should prompt a search for acid-fast bacilli, since the correct diagnosis will eliminate a needless surgical procedure and will lead to timely and appropriate therapy.
Copyright 2004 Wiley-Liss, Inc.