The iron chelating agent desferrioxamine inhibits peroxynitrite-mediated oxidations and attenuates nitric oxide and oxygen radical-dependent oxidative damage both in vitro and in vivo. The mechanism of protection is independent of iron chelation and has remained elusive over the past decade. Herein, stopped-flow studies revealed that desferrioxamine does not react directly with peroxynitrite. However, addition of peroxynitrite to desferrioxamine in both the absence and the presence of physiological concentrations of CO2 and under excess nitrite led to the formation of a one-electron oxidation product, the desferrioxamine nitroxide radical, consistent with desferrioxamine reacting with the peroxynitrite-derived species carbonate (CO3*-) and nitrogen dioxide (*NO2) radicals. Desferrioxamine inhibited peroxynitrite-dependent free radical-mediated processes, including tyrosine dimerization and nitration, oxyhemoglobin oxidation in the presence of CO2, and peroxynitrite plus carbonate-dependent chemiluminescence. The direct two-electron oxidation of glutathione by peroxynitrite was unaffected by desferrioxamine. The reactions of desferrioxamine with CO3*- and *NO2 were unambiguously confirmed by pulse radiolysis studies, which yielded second-order rate constants of 1.7 x 10(9) and 7.6 x 10(6) M(-1) s(-1), respectively. Desferrioxamine also reacts with tyrosyl radicals with k = 6.3 x 10(6) M(-1) s(-1). However, radical/radical combination reactions between tyrosyl radicals or of tyrosyl radical with *NO2 outcompete the reaction with desferrioxamine and computer-assisted simulations indicate that the inhibition of tyrosine oxidation can be fully explained by scavenging of the peroxynitrite-derived radicals. The results shown herein provide an alternative mechanism to account for some of the biochemical and pharmacological actions of desferrioxamine via reactions with CO3*- and *NO2 radicals.