In industrialised countries, carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) is considered an epidemic work-related disease. We have set up the MODS (Malattie Occupazionali Da Sovraccarico biomeccanico, biomechanical overload-related occupational diseases) collaborative group, formed by epidemiologists, ergonomists and occupational physicians to investigate CTS in Italy, applying the methods that epidemiologists commonly use to understand epidemics. Several studies are already ongoing. Two different descriptive studies based on current hospitalisation data are in the reporting phase. A pilot case-control multicentre study (260 cases and 520 controls in 13 centres) is in the final phase of data collection. A longitudinal study on a cohort of 3000 subjects exposed to different risk factors has reached the third year of follow-up. Moreover, a surveillance system has been set up to cover selected districts of the Emilia Romagna region. These studies will generate new information about the prevalence and incidence of CTS in Italy, along with identification of regional, high-risk job titles and work sectors, and the relative influence of non-occupational factors.