Introduction: We describe a case of Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) with multiple strokes related to dilated cardiomyopathy.
Case report: A 13 year old boy, with advanced stage DMD was admitted to the hospital because of acute motor and sensory impairment in his right bodyside. Imaging study revealed lesions in basal ganglia and prerolandic cortex in the left hemisphere that were compatible with infarcts in the territory of the medial cerebral artery. Cardiologic evaluation revealed dilation of the left ventriculi and systolic dysfunction with ejection fraction of 35 40%. The symptoms evolved to a residual right hemiparesia. Five months later, the patient developed a transient episode of aphasia and the study performed in this case revealed lesions compatible with infarcts in basal ganglia and insular cortex of the right cerebral hemisphere.
Conclusion: Cerebral infarction related to cardiomyopathy can worsen the clinical condition of patients with DMD. Early treatment of dilated cardiomyopathy with systolic dysfunction, including use of antithrombotic agents to prevent cerebrovascular complications, could help to improve the course of the disease.