An icon-calendar interview form (ICF) for a case-control study of childhood leukemias and parental exposures to pesticides is described. It includes calendar sheets, icons for life events, crops, jobs, regions, non-agricultural jobs, application techniques and personal protection, markers for durations of exposure patterns, and checklists of pesticides. The ICF collects monthly data from two years before birth until diagnosis of cancer (index children) or until either the interview date or age 15 (controls). Data ascertainment was easy in 62% of interviews, moderately easy in 32%, and difficult in 6%. Seventy-eight subjects delivered data on specific pesticides with pesticide checklists, which improved identification of pesticides. ICF performs satisfactorily for crops, tasks, and other determinants of exposure. Data on pesticides will be further improved by introducing external data use on different crops, time periods, and regions, and by exposure modeling for 27 pesticides.