In the aerobic steady state of the classical eukaryotic cytochrome c oxidase, three aa(3) redox metal centres (cytochrome a, CuA and CuB) are partially reduced while the fourth, cytochrome a(3), remains almost fully oxidized. Turnover depends primarily upon the rate of cytochrome a(3) reduction. When prokaryotic cytochrome c-552 oxidase (ba(3)) of Thermus thermophilus turns over, three different metal centres (cytochromes b, a(3) and CuA) share the steady state electrons; it is the fourth, CuB, that apparently remains almost fully oxidized until anaerobiosis. Cytochrome a(3) stays partially reduced during turnover and a possible P/F state may also be populated. Cyanide traps the aerobic ba(3) CuB centre in the a(3)(2+)CNCuB(2+) state; the corresponding eukaryotic cyanide trapped state is a(3)(3+)CNCuB(+). Both states become the fully reduced a(3)(2+)CNCuB(+) upon anaerobiosis. The different reactivities of the aa(3) and ba(3) binuclear centres may be correlated with the very different proximal histidine N-Fe distances in the two enzymes (3.3 A for ba(3) compared to 1.9 A for aa(3)) which may in turn relate to the functioning of thermophilic Thermus cytochrome ba(3) in vivo at a very elevated temperature. But the differences may also just exemplify how evolution can find surprisingly different solutions to the common problem of electron transfer to oxygen. Some of these alternatives were potentially enshrined in a model of the oxidase reaction already adopted by Gerry Babcock in the early 1990s.