Structure and dynamics of Taxus chinensis var. mairei clonal population were studied. The results showed that according to the life history of Taxus chinensis var. mairei, the modular population could be divided into 6 classes. The development of Taxus chinensis var. mairei population was greatly depended on its ramets, which sprouted on its stem, and the population size structure was stable. The survival curve of Taxus chinensis var. mairei population showed a revered 'J' type. To expanding and continuing the population, there were high ramet sprouting rate and the resource limit induced a higher seedling and sapling mortality rate. When sapling grew up as young tree, its adventitious root stretched into soil to assimilate the nutrient and water, and it became independence individual. Before germination, the seed of Taxus need to dormant for more than one year, and the bird and beast liked to eat the seed, so it was hard to find seedling and sapling from seed. Therefore Taxus chinesis var. mairei had been considered to be a decline or none descendant population. In this study, it was found that Taxus chinensis var. mairei had a powerful asexual multiplication in Yuanbaoshan, especially ramet sprouting on stem. It was depend on this way to develop and expand the population.