Background: Oxidised UHMWPE due to gamma irradiation in air has a greater susceptibility to wear than non-oxidised UHMWPE (ethylene oxide, EtO).
Aim: To evaluate, the biological reaction of loose implants with oxidised and non-oxidised PE components.
Materials and methods: Ten loose PE cups sterilised by EtO (group 1) and 13 sterilised by gamma irradiation in air (group 2) were studied. PE wear and oxidation were related to biological reaction.
Results: Group 1: PE cups had low wear score and no oxidation. In the oldest implants, a few PE particles and macrophages were observed in the interface membrane. Group 2: PE inserts had medium-to-high PE wear score and variable oxidation. In the interface membrane, the number and total area of PE particles were high and variable; giant cells were more numerous than macrophages.
Conclusion: Junctional tissues around loose oxidised PE components contain more PE debris and giant cells than membranes around PE components that are not oxidised.