Between April 1982 and June 1989, 65 patients (15 T1, 13 T2, 32 T3, 5 T4) with squamous cell carcinoma of the oesophagus were treated with a curative intent with multimodality combined treatment. A first course of 5-fluorouracil and cisplatin was given during work up, especially if NdYAG laser therapy was used. Irradiation was started 3-4 weeks after induction and two courses of concomitant chemotherapy were given during the radio therapy (aiming at 64 Gy over 7 weeks). Actuarial survival was 79.6% at 1, 36.7% at 3 and 26.7% at 5 years. 5 year survival rates were 56.3% for T1, 29.8% for T2 and 12.9% for T3. All T4 cases died within 16 months. Complete initial disease response was achieved in 76%. Tolerance was good. Thus patients with squamous cell carcinoma of the oesophagus can have long survival and may be cured with combined modality therapy. This treatment may be an alternative to radical surgery when there is a high risk of operative mortality.