Aim: To clone NF-kappaB p50 Rel homology domain (RHD) gene and construct the "bait" vector in yeast two-hybrid system, and detect the yeast cell toxicity and autonomous reporter gene activity of target gene.
Methods: Total RNA was extracted from human peripheral blood mononuclear cells and NF-kappaB p50 RHD gene was amplified by RT-PCR, and cloned into pGBKT7. The recombinant plasmid was transformed into yeast AH109. The growth condition of the transformants was observed in the selected medium SD/-Trp. The reporter gene activity of target gene in the yeast cells was verified by filter blotting.
Results: Using restriction enzyme digestion analysis and PCR, the length of inserted gene was confirmed correct. Sequencing result indicated that the sequence of the inserted gene and its open reading frame were completely correct, and then the recombinant plasmid was named pGBKT7-p50. p50 RHD gene had neither autonomous reporter gene activity nor yeast cytotoxicity.
Conclusion: As a bait plasmid, pGBKT7-p50 could be used in yeast two-hybrid system to screen and capture the polypeptides which interact with p50 RHD.