A questionnaire investigation to evaluate the results of surgery for penile angulation by plicature of tunica albuginea by Ebbehøj's method is presented. In 31 patients with congenital penile angulation, 24 (77%) were satisfied with the functional result and 20 (65%) with the cosmetic result of the operation. In 14 patients with Peyronie's disease, eight (57%) were satisfied with the functional result and six (43%) with the cosmetic result of the operation. This is in accordance with previously published surveys of the results of surgery using this method. However, a high prevalence of late sequelae was observed, especially penile shortening and pain. In conclusion, the method yields acceptable functional and cosmetic results and is easy to perform. However, optimal surgical technique is imperative to reduce the prevalence of late sequelae which also necessitate detailed preoperative information and restrictive indications for surgery.