Cholesterol excretion by ATP binding cassette transporters G5 and G8 (ABCG5/G8) and bile acid biosynthesis by cholesterol 7alpha-hydroxylase (CYP7A1) are major pathways for the removal of cholesterol into bile. To investigate the interactions between common polymorphisms in ABCG5/G8 and CYP7A1 and statin response, we examined the relationships between five non-synonymous polymorphisms in ABCG5/G8 (Q604E, D19H, Y54C, T400K, and A632V) and a promoter variant in CYP7A1 (A-204C) in 337 hypercholesterolemic patients treated with atorvastatin 10mg. The ABCG8 H19 allele was significantly associated with a greater LDL cholesterol reduction relative to the wild type D19 allele (39.6% versus 36.6%, P = 0.043). This difference was enhanced in non-carriers of the CYP7A1 promoter polymorphism (42.7% versus 38.2%, P = 0.048), and was diminished in accordance with the number of CYP7A1 variant alleles (1.8% in heterozygotes and 0.2% in homozygotes). Combination analysis of these polymorphisms explained a greater percentage of LDL cholesterol response variation (8.5% difference across subgroups) than did single polymorphism analysis (4.2% in CYP7A1 and 3.0% in ABCG8 D19H). The other ABCG5/G8 polymorphisms did not show any significant interactions with the CYP7A1 polymorphism. We conclude that the ABCG8 H19 and CYP7A1 C-204 alleles appear to interact in a dose-dependent manner on atorvastatin response.
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