The poor prognosis for patients with osteosarcoma skip metastases has been established in the literature; however, most of the data in the literature concerning osteosarcoma skip metastases were collected before routine use of magnetic resonance imaging and before the use of modern multiagent chemotherapy regimens. This retrospective multiinstitutional study was done to evaluate the efficacy of magnetic resonance imaging to detect skip metastases and to evaluate the prognosis for these patients when treated with modern multiagent chemotherapy protocols. In a group of 155 patients who were younger than 26 years when diagnosed and treated for high-grade osteosarcoma of the long bones, 10 (6.5%) patients with skip metastases were identified. Eight of the 10 lesions were detected on pretreatment magnetic resonance imaging scans and two were detected only from the surgical pathology specimens. Five patients had concomitant pulmonary metastases at presentation and five patients had no other known site of diseases. All 10 patients died, with an average survival of 32.5 months (range 11-71 months). The five patients with only skip metastases at presentation survived an average of 27.2 months (range 15-44 months). Despite advances in the treatment of patients with osteosarcomas, those with skip metastases continue to have a poor prognosis, and they should be counseled regarding the limitations of current therapies.