A foodstuffs survey has been carried out on young women aged from 15 to 49 in order to determine the total and available iron supplies, in proteins and in energy so as to establish the link between an iron deficiency and the protein-energy supplies in comparison to the needs required by the FAO and the WHO. The regions studied are the Great Tunis (GT) and the South West (SW) both in urban and rural backgrounds. These two regions have been selected because of the high prevailing rate of deficiency discovered after the 1996/1997 nutritional survey. Women have been divided into two groups: those who have a deficiency and those who don't have. The study concerned 1151 homes therefore about 1468 women and from them 712 are from GT and 756 from SW. The results of foodstuffs survey demonstrated that supply of meat is more elevated in non anemic women than anemic women concerning proteins supplies. A moderate energetic deficit is noticed in non deficient women and those anemic who have an iron deficiency. Women presented anemia have total and available iron deficient and a deficiency in energy supplies.