Background: The objective of this study was to assess if nasal polyps express telomerase activity and whether a difference could be found between the polyp and the surrounding mucosa of the middle meatus and between different portions of the polyp itself
Methods: Nine patients affected by nasal polyposis were included in this study; four of these patients had recurring polyposis. Telomerase activity was measured by telomeric repeat amplification protocol assay. In six patients, the telomeric repeat amplification protocol assay was performed on the polyp and on the mucosa from the ipsilateral middle meatus. In a polyp, we were able to investigate telomerase activity of its different portions, corresponding to pedicle and fundus.
Results: Telomerase activity observed in nasal polyps was higher than that observed in samples from the ipsilateral middle meatus mucosa. High or intermediate telomerase activity was found to be related to predominant recurring polyposis.
Conclusions: Therefore, it could be postulated that telomerase activity could be related with the tendency of polyps to recur.