The structure and function of right ventricle was echocardiographically assessed in patients (pts) with OSA and analyzed taking into account the presence of obesity and/or systemic hypertension (SH). Therefore, 118 pts (98 M, 20 F, aged 48,5 8,4 yr) were divided into OH = obese with z OSA and SH (n = 22), ON = obese with OSA, and no SH (n = 20), OC = OSA without either obesity and SH (n = 21), GH = obese without OSA but with SH (n = 18), GN = obese without either OSA or SH (n =17). Control group (ZZ) comprised 20 healthy subjects (14M,6F). Right ventricular diameter (RVD), diastolic (DRVW), and systolic right ventricle free wall thickness (SRVW) were measured and its systolic thickening (ST-RVW) was calculated. Acceleration time of ejection into pulmonary artery (AcT) was measured with Doppler echocardiography.
Results: St. sign. p < 0.05 between: 1: all groups except OH and ON, GH and GN, GH and OC, GN and OC; 2--like 1 except ZZ and OC; 3--OH and all subgroup except ON, ON and GH, ON and ZZ, OC and GN; 4-- ON and all subgroups except OH, OH and OC, OH and GH, OH and GN.
Conclusions: Enlargement and functionally compromised RV is found in OBS mostly with concomitant obesity. Pulmonary hypertension at rest in patients with isolated OSA is rare and also requires additional contributing factors.