The present paper reports an updated dosimetry of dental radiology since it presents the data relative to 7 radiological techniques. The doses to 9 organs were measured on a Randoman phantom using TLD (4 in each chosen cavity) for lenses, tongue, cervical vertebrae (C2), thyroid, ovaries, uterus and testes. The examinations were subsequently repeated after applying X-ray shields to the phantom. The main conclusions follow: a) local doses are never negligible but can be really high, especially for tongue (1.880 mGy), thyroid (1.011 mGy), and C2 (0.699 mGy); b) X-ray shields for lenses, ovaries, uterus and testes have proven to be unnecessary; in a more general context, X-ray shields should be evaluated by the Health Physics Dept., especially relative to radiation leaks from the X-ray tube. As for the thyroid, X-ray shields have proven very useful but can result in repeated acquisitions because of possible interference with the radiological image; c) technicians' risk, in the present experimental conditions, does not exceed the threshold values recommended by Italian laws. At any rate, the use of fixed or mobile shieldings should always be evaluated while keeping in mind the specific working conditions in radiology departments.