Coeliac disease is widespread and occurs in 0.5-l per cent of the population. Most sufferers show atypical symptoms and might well remain undiagnosed. Endomysial or human transglutaminase autoantibody levels of type IgA can be recommended as screening instruments combined with s-IgA for exclusion of such deficiency. In contrast, there is a high frequency of false-positive IgA gliadin antibody test results, especially where coeliac disease is common, as in chronic liver disease, diabetes, thyroid disease and conditions with chromosomal aberrations (Down syndrome and Turner syndrome). Despite this, gliadin antibodies of type IgA are still the best marker for coeliac disease in children under two years of age. While mass screening is not to be recommended, case finding is worthwhile in well defined risk groups, i.e. in cohorts with autoimmune disease or chromosomal aberrations or in relatives to anyone with coeliac disease. A positive biopsy is still the gold standard for diagnosis.