A candidate concentrate, preparation N (99/678), was assayed and calibrated, as a potential replacement, against four established factor (F) VIII concentrate standards: the current WHO 6th International Standard (IS) (97/616), the previous 5th IS (88/640), the Mega 1 standard and Ph. Eur. BRP Batch 2 standard, in a collaborative study involving 38 laboratories. All laboratories were instructed to use the ISTH/SSC recommendations, including predilution of concentrates in FVIII-deficient plasma. Several laboratories performed more than one assay method and altogether there were 27 sets of assays with the one-stage method, 31 with the chromogenic method, and 18 with both methods. There was good agreement between laboratories using each of the two methods for comparison of preparation N against the four established standards, with overall potencies by one-stage and chromogenic methods differing only by less than 2%. However, there were significant differences in potencies relative to the different standards, ranging from 10.1 IU per ampoule against the Ph. Eur.BRP2 to 11.4 against the WHO 6th IS. Accelerated degradation studies showed that the proposed standard is very stable, with a predicted loss of activity per year of less than 0.001% at the recommended storage temperature of -20 degrees C. Various options for potency of preparation N were considered by the participants and by members of the ISTH/SSC FVIII/FIX Subcommittee. In November 2003, preparation N (NIBSC 99/678) was proposed to and accepted by the Expert Committee on Biological Standardization of the World Health Organization to be the 7th International Standard for Factor VIII Concentrate with an assigned potency of 11.0 IU per ampoule.