A multicentre prospective study of 593 patients with brucellosis, of whom 58 (9.7%) had spondylitis, was performed in order to evaluate the possible clinical, radiological and evolutionary differences in the different segments of the spinal column. Five of the patients with cervical spondylitis (71%) had compression of the medulla or roots, versus just two (11%) in the dorsal group and nine (21%) in the lumbar group (p less than 0.05). There were no other clinical, haematological or biochemical differences between the three spinal segments, and both the serological response and the percentage of positive blood cultures were also similar in the three groups. The patients with cervical and dorsal spondylitis had a significantly higher number of paravertebral and/or epidural masses than those with lumbar spondylitis (p less than 0.05). Seventy-one percent of the patients with cervical spondylitis made unsatisfactory progress, versus 11% and 5% of those in the dorsal and lumbar groups, respectively (p less than 0.05 and p less than 0.001). In conclusion, given the high incidence of paravertebral and/or epidural masses, the neurological involvement, and the high rate of important functional disabilities, cervical spondylitis should be considered to be a very severe complication of brucellosis, and its treatment and follow-up must therefore be energetic and rigorous in order to detect and correct as early as possible compressions of the neural axis and its roots.