In this paper we describe the existence of cross-reactivity between allergens from latex and chickpea, a food from the Leguminosae family, which is common in the Mediterranean diet. We present the case report of a spina bifida boy with a clinical relevant food allergy to chickpea (oral syndrome + dysphonia), developing after the appearance of latex allergy symptoms (lip angioedema + intraoperative anaphylaxis). Specific IgE to latex and chickpea was demonstrated by skin prick tests, measurement of patient's serum specific IgE and IgE-immunoblotting. Cross-reactivity was studied by means of EAST-inhibition and western blotting-inhibition. A strong inhibition was observed in several IgE-binding bands when latex extract was used in solid phase and patient serum was preincubated with chickpea extract (chickpea extract as inhibitor phase). As far as we know, this is the first report of cross-reactivity between latex and chickpea, a food which should therefore be added to the extensive list of latex cross-reactive foods.