Differentiation between rhabdoid tumor (RT) and mesoblastic nephroma (MN) and Wilms' tumor (WT) by imaging studies in babies and young children before histological confirmation is useful to start optimal treatment early. Typical radiologic criteria (crescent-shaped subcapsular liquid areas, tumor lobules, blurred tumor borders, metastasis in the lung, and regional lymph nodes) are described. The results of 26 MRI, 30 CT, and 22 ultrasound examinations of 49 patients (22 RT, 19 WT, and 8 MN, age 2-57 months) were analyzed. The above-mentioned radiologic criteria were classified with score values. The score value distribution was analyzed between the tumor entities and by two investigators.RT had significantly higher score values than the MN and WT. The difference between the two investigators was not significant. As a group RT differentiates from the group of WT and MN, but this is not possible in single cases with the radiologic criteria employed. Only if more signs are observed together in one case can a RT be presumed, which may indicate an early biopsy before chemotherapy.