The reproduction and growth pattern of Mothocya epimerica (Crustacea: Isopoda: Cymothoidae), a protandrous hermaphroditic gill parasite of Atherina boyeri (Osteichthyes: Atherinidae), were investigated in the Mesolongi and Etolikon lagoons. The parasite shows an extensive reproductive period. Gravid females were found between April and November, and juveniles between May and December. M. epimerica grew allometrically (slopes of the total weight-total length regressions were >3). Females were significantly heavier than males. The relationship between number of eggs or mancas larvae (F) and total length (TL) was investigated in gravid female parasites in which the marsupium was still closed; the relationship was clearly curvilinear: F = 0.128TL3.18. The number of eggs or mancas larvae held in the marsupia of females increased proportionally with female length, varying from 39 in an isopod of 6.3 mm length to 158 in one of 8.5 mm length. The average number of eggs or mancas larvae was 76.70 +/- 27.8.