Authors report a study of 66 patients admitted to the clinic ORL of CHU Le Dantec between 1991 and 2000 for goiter and hyperthyroidism. They evaluate the perioperative management and underline the importance of the medical preparation. The age of patients varied between 15 and 74 years. There were 62 women and 4 men. Fifty three patients presented clinical and biological hyperthyroidism. Thirteen patients had functional hyperthyroidism without clinical signs of thyrotoxicosis. Exophthalmia was present in 20 patients. Twenty one patients have been addressed to the Internal Medicine service for preoperative management of hyperthyroidism. Forty five patients have been operated under general anaesthesia. The medical preparation comprised antithyroid drugs and beta-blockers. We found as complications 3 cases of difficult intubation, 7 cases of peroperative haemorrhage and 1 case of acute thyroid crisis. The anaesthesia for surgery of hyperthyroidism is currently well codified and operative outcome became simple. The medical preparation in case of hyperthyroidism allows to return the patient in euthyroidism and reduces considerably the acute thyroid crisis risk, the most fearsome complication and the most feared of the hyperthyroidism.