Objective: A large body of research has now accumulated concerning quality of life (QoL) for patients with major depressive disorder, both in terms of describing levels of well-being and in terms of assessing the impact of treatment interventions. However, there is little information concerning QoL for patients with bipolar disorder (BD), and there is relatively little published evidence concerning the effectiveness of psychological interventions for BD. We aimed to assess the impact of a time-limited psychoeducation (PE) group therapy upon perceived QoL among patients with BD.
Method: Participants were patients (n = 57) with BD type I or II who were clinically described as euthymic or mildly symptomatic. Treatment intervention was a standardized, 8-week group PE course delivered in a mood disorders program in British Columbia, Canada. Using retrospective chart review and the Quality of Life Enjoyment and Satisfaction Questionnaire (Q-LES-Q), we assessed QoL at baseline and at 8 weeks.
Results: Mean baseline Q-LES-Q scores were 56%, representing moderate impairment in QoL. Group PE was associated with a 5-point increase in Q-LES-Q scores (where higher scores indicate better QoL). Examination of the questionnaire's subscales revealed that 2 domains (that is, physical functioning and general satisfaction) increased significantly following PE, with the remaining domains showing nonsignificant trends toward improved functioning. Multivariate analysis indicated that only one factor (having had a recent episode of depression) significantly predicted pre- and posttreatment Q-LES-Q scores.
Conclusion: Patients with BD continue to show impaired QoL even when clinically euthymic. Although preliminary, our results show that group PE is associated with improved QoL in this population, both in terms of general satisfaction and in relation to levels of physical functioning. The use of PE as an adjunct to pharmacotherapy in BD should be further studied with particular emphasis on characterizing the effects of treatment intervention on perceived QoL.