Adult polycystic liver disease (APLD) is a rare disorder of the liver parenchyma, the treatment of which is still controversial. Conservative surgery may have a significant morbidity and is often ineffective in the long run. Liver replacement may be indicated in case of incapacitating hepatomegaly. Patients (one male, five females) undergoing liver transplantation for symptomatic APLD is presented in this study. The particular nature of this series is the fact that successful transplantation was performed in all cases with preservation of the recipient's inferior vena cava and without use of veno-venous bypass despite massive hepatomegaly and previous extensive liver surgery (in three cases). There was minimal morbidity and no mortality. All patients have excellent quality of life with a median follow-up of 41 months (range: 12-58) as testified by a median Karnofsky score of 90% (range: 80-100%).