Subtypes of HLA-DR4 are associated with susceptibility or protection against type 1 diabetes (T1DM). We addressed whether this reflects linkage disequilibrium with the true susceptibility locus by studying broader MHC haplotypes marked by alleles of HLA-B, IKBL (adjacent to TNFA) and complement C4. The study used a largely Caucasian cohort from Western Australia. HLA-DRB1*0401 and HLA-DRB1*0405 marked susceptibility to T1DM. In Caucasians, DRB1*0401 occurs predominantly in the 44.1 ancestral haplotype (AH; HLA-A2,B44, DRB1*0401,DQB1*0301) and the 62.1AH (HLA-A2,B15(62),DRB1*0401,DQB1*0302). HLA-B15 marked susceptibility and HLA-B44 marked with resistance to T1DM in patients and controls preselected for HLA-DRB1*0401. A gene between TNFA and HLA-B on the 8.1AH (HLA-A1,B8,;DR3,DQ2) modifies the effects of the class II alleles. Here, alleles characteristic of the 62.1AH (C4B3, IKBL+446*T and HLA-A2,B15) were screened in donors preselected for HLA-DRB1*0401. C4B3 was associated with diabetes, consistent with a diabetes gene telomeric of MHC class II. However, increases in carriage of IKBL+446*T and HLA-A2,B15 were marginal, as too few control subjects were available with the diabetogenic alleles. However, with these tools, selection of HLA-DRB1*0401, DQB1*0302 donors who are positive and negative for C4B3 will allow bidirectional mapping of diabetes genes in the central MHC.