Statement of problem: Fiber-reinforced composite inlay fixed partial dentures (FRCIFPDs) may be a reliable prosthetic solution. Clinical procedures involved in their fabrication have been defined, but little is known about their mechanical behavior.
Purpose: This in vitro study used the finite element (FE) method to investigate 3-dimensional (3-D) stress and strain distribution produced in a 3-unit FRCIFPD.
Material and methods: A 3-D FE model (227,768 3-D tetrahedral elements) of a 3-unit FRCIFPD cemented onto box-shaped prepared teeth was developed. Stress and strain distribution generated by a maximum load of 196 N applied vertically or laterally to the FRCIFPD centrally, on an area of 4 +/- 0.1 mm 2 , was analyzed. The specimen used to acquire the geometry of the model was also used for mechanical compressive tests, with vertical and lateral loads, to validate the numerical model.
Results: The peak values of stress, calculated on the outer and inner surfaces of the FRCIFPD, were localized in the connector areas. When a vertical load was applied, stress on the prepared teeth was concentrated at the cervical margin of the abutment preparation.
Conclusion: Within the limitations of this in vitro study, the results suggest that within the FRCIFPD, stress concentrates at the connector areas, and that in the prepared teeth, peak stress is at the cervical margin of the box of the preparation.