Vector-borne diseases impose enormous health and economical burdens throughout the world. Unfortunately, as insecticide and drug resistance spread, these burdens will increase unless new control measures are developed. Genetically modifying vectors to be incapable of transmitting parasites is one possible control strategy and much progress has been made towards this goal. Numerous effector molecules have been identified that interfere with parasite development in its insect vectors, and techniques for transforming the vectors with genes encoding these molecules have been established. While the ability to generate refractory vectors is close at hand, a mechanism for replacing a wild vector population with a refractory one remains elusive. This review examines the feasibility of using bacteria to deliver the anti-parasitic effector molecules to wild vector populations. The first half briefly examines paratransgenic approaches currently being tested in both the triatomine bug and tsetse fly. The second half explores the possibility of using midgut bacteria to control malaria transmission by Anopheles mosquitoes.