Purpose: To identify potential prognostic molecular factors in ampullary adenocarcinoma that could be of significant importance. To this end, we examined the possible prognostic significance of cyclooxygenase-2 (Cox-2) and Survivin expression and the apoptotic index in a cohort of uniformly treated patients with ampullary cancer treated with radical surgical excision.
Experimental design: The entry criteria were that the patients have a pathologic diagnosis of ampullary cancer which had been resected. Expression analysis for Cox-2 and Survivin was done by immunohistochemical staining. Apoptotic cells were identified by the terminal deoxyribonucleotidyl transferase-mediated dUTP nick-end labeling (TUNEL) method.
Results: Thirty-nine tumor specimens from resected ampullary adenocarcinoma patients were included. By univariate analysis, overall survival was affected by Cox-2 expression and TUNEL staining (respectively, P = 0.0003 and 0.03). Survivin expression did not influence the overall survival in our patient population (P = 0.123). Patients' clinicopathologic features (gender, age, and T and N factors) did not influence outcome. In multivariate Cox regression analysis, Cox-2 expression (relative risk, 4.330; P = 0.005) was the only variable that significantly affected overall survival.
Conclusions: The results of the present article provide, for the first time, evidence that Cox-2 expression, but not Survivin expression, may represent a significant prognostic factor after surgical resection in patients affected by cancer of the ampulla of Vater. Further studies are required to determine whether Cox-2 inhibitors may be useful for the therapy or prevention of ampullary carcinoma.