Clinical findings, treatment and results have been recorded prospectively in 661 patients with carcinoma of the head and neck. With an average follow-up of 3 years 7813 follow-up consultations revealed 220 recurrences. The overall "recurrence pick-up rate" and subsequent "cure rate" was 1:36 and 1:113 consultations, respectively. Laryngeal carcinomas treated with radiotherapy and oral carcinomas receiving radiotherapy and limited resections showed recurrence "cure-rates" of 1:89 and 1:110, respectively. For other tumour sites the average "cure-rate" was 1:238. Only 39% of the recurrences were detected through physical examination. Follow-up consultations revealed 9.1% of second primaries. More time should be spent on training patients to recognise symptoms and signs of recurrence. Routine follow-up is rarely indicated beyond the third year after completion of treatment, or in patients for whom we have little to offer in terms of curative treatment.