The extra-cellular matrix of the gingival tissue plays an important role in the homeostasis of dental implants. In this work we have studied immunohistochemically the distribution of collagen I-III-IV-V, tenascin, metalloproteinases (MMP) 1-3-8-13 and TIMP-1 in three groups of patients: (1) subjects with natural teeth (healthy periodontal tissue), (2) subjects with normal peri-implant mucosa and (3) subjects with clinically evident peri-implantitis. The immunolabelling for collagen I-III-IV showed a similar pattern in all three groups. The labelling for collagen V increased in lamina propria of healthy peri-implant tissue and peri-implantitis. Tenascin immunolabelling in healthy and peri-implant tissues was scattered in lamina propria. In peri-implantitis tenascin immunolabelling increased mainly near to the basal lamina. The MMP-1-3-8 and TIMP-1 immunolabelling were very faint and localized in the stroma in all three groups. In healthy and peri-implant tissues MMP-13 immunolabelling was found in the lamina propria whereas in peri-implantitis MMP-13 immunolabelling was also in epithelium. On the whole, these data suggest that in the extracellular matrix of peri-implantitis there are alterations of collagen V, tenascin and MMP-13 patterns.