Background: Distal digital amputations may result in composite tissue loss, affecting both the fingertip and the nail complex. Most surgical procedures that are used for fingertip reconstruction do not restore the nail defect.
Methods: The eponychial flap is a new technique where a backward plication of the nail wall is used to expose the nail root and lengthen the visible part of the nail of the amputated digit.
Results: The authors describe the anatomical basis and the operative technique of this flap and also review a series of 30 eponychial flaps that were performed in 28 patients. All patients presented fingertip defects treated with volar advancement flaps. This procedure was followed by an eponychial flap that restored the length of the short fingernail.
Conclusions: The eponychial flap procedure is an easy and reliable technique that is indicated in distal transverse digital amputations to lengthen the short injured nail. It can be associated with any method used for repairing the fingertip defect, thus enhancing the final cosmetic result of the digital reconstruction.