Objective: To evaluate in prostate needle biopsies the usefulness and the efficacy of not time-consuming morphologic parameters in order to predict whether prostate cancer is organ-confined or it is not, that could contribute additional information to pre-surgical serum PSA and Gleason score, both of them parameters already accepted as clinically significant.
Methods: Three hundred and two consecutive patients were evaluated, of whom a diagnostic needle biopsy and the radical prostatectomy specimen with no pre-surgical hormone therapy were available. Bilateral or unilateral extension, number of positive cores, percentage of positive cores, intraprostatic perineural invasion (IPNI) and the presence of high-grade prostatic intraepithelial neoplasia (HGPIN) in any of the biopsy cores were evaluated in the needle biopsy.
Results: The median of cores is 6. The IPNI, the presence of bilateral tumour, and the percentage of positive cores, higher than 37.5% (ROC curve), show significant crude OR (4.0, 2.8, 6.9 respectively). The regression model discloses that only the percentage of positive cores shows a significant OR (5.8) adjusting for bilaterality, IPNI, HGPIN and age.
Conclusions: The percentage of cores with cancer and the bilateral involvement are another two parameters predictive of cancer with extraprostatic extension. (p<0.0005 in both). IPNI has statistical significance too (p<0.002), but it is related to the tumour volume expressed through the two mentioned parameters.