Study design: Prospective, randomized, unblinded study of iliac crest bone graft (ICBG) versus recombinant human bone morphogenetic protein-2/compression resistant matrix (rhBMP-2/CRM)in a posterolateral instrumented fusion procedure.
Objectives: Document initial radiographic characteristics, based on computed tomography, with rhBMP-2/CRM for posterolateral fusion at 6 and 12-month intervals.
Summary of background data: As the acceptance of INFUSE bone graft as an ICBG replacement becomes more widespread, surgeons have begun to study applications for rhBMP-2 in posterior spinal fusion. Preclinical studies have examined variables including carrier composition, rhBMP-2 concentration, and rhBMP-2 dose. Pilot studies have been performed with encouraging initial results.
Methods: Patients with single level lumbar degenerative disease were enrolled in a randomized study of ICBG versus rhBMP-2/CRM in a posterolateral instrumented fusion procedure. Computed tomography scans at 6 and 12 months were graded as demonstrating no fusion (grade 1), partial or limited unilateral fusion (grade 2), partial or limited bilateral fusion (grade 3), solid unilateral fusion (grade 4), or solid bilateral fusion (grade 5).
Results: At our institution, 74 patients (38 rhBMP-2/CRM, 36 ICBG) reached minimum 1-year follow-up and were included in this analysis. Mean fusion grade (scale1-5) at 6 months after surgery was 4.35 in the rhBMP-2/CRM group versus 3.09 in the ICBG group (P < 0.0001). At 1 year after surgery mean fusion grade was 4.62 in the rhBMP-2/CRM group versus 3.77 in the ICBG group (P < 0.0023).
Conclusions: These early results are encouraging and suggest a more rapid incorporation and development of the fusion mass with rhBMP-2/CRM than iliac crest autograft in a single level posterior instrumented fusion.