The two most common types of gliomas: astrocytoma and oligodendroglioma are distinguished based on their morphologic similarities to mature astrocytes and oligodendroglia. Whereas prototypical examples of the tumors have distinct pathogenetic and prognostic differences, the majority of the gliomas falls in the intermediate category and their distinction is problematic. The transcriptional factor SOX10 is one of the key determinants of oligodendroglial differentiation. We applied immunohistochemistry to analyze whether the expression of SOX10 can differentiate astrocytoma and oligodendroglioma. The majority of oligodendrogliomas, but also a large fraction of astrocytomas, including the least differentiated glioblastomas, expressed SOX10, albeit at lower levels. Comparison with 1p and 19q deletion status by FISH analysis also revealed no obvious associations. High levels of expression were also found in pilocytic astrocytoma, consistent with recent studies suggesting that pilocytic astrocytomas have greater overlap with oligodendroglial than astrocytic tumors. Our data raise a possibility that histogenesis of gliomas have more common features than previously anticipated.