In domestic rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus), three serological types have been distinguished at the variable domain of the antibody H chain, the so-called V(H) a allotypes a1, a2, and a3. They correspond to highly divergent allelic lineages of the V(H) 1 gene, which is the gene rabbit utilizes in more than 80% of VDJ rearrangements. The sharing of serological V(H) a markers between rabbit and snowshoe hare (Lepus americanus) has suggested that the large genetic distances between rabbit V(H) 1 alleles (9-14% nucleotide differences) can be explained by unusually long lineage persistence times (transspecies polymorphism). Because this interpretation of the serological data is uncertain, we have determined the nucleotide sequences of V(H) genes expressed in specimens of Lepus species. Two sequence groups were distinguished, one of which occurred only in hare specimen displaying serological motifs of the rabbit V(H) a-a2 allotype. Sequences of this group are part of a monophyletic cluster containing the V(H) 1 sequences of the rabbit a2 allotype. The fact that this "transspecies a2 cluster" did not include genes of other rabbit V(H) a allotypes (a1, a3, and a4) is incompatible with the existence of a common V(H) a ancestor gene within the species, and suggests that the divergence of the V(H) a lineages preceded the Lepus vs Oryctolagus split. The sequence data are furthermore compatible with the hypothesis that the V(H)a polymorphism can be two times older than the divergence time between the Lepus and Oryctolagus lineages, which was estimated at 16-24 million years.