Objective: To describe in real-life conditions the flu therapeutic management, motivations to prescribe or not NAI (General Practitioners' (GPs) characteristics, decisional factors) and treated patients' course.
Design: A prospective, longitudinal, pharmacoepidemiological study involved 305 GPs in France during 2002-2003 winter epidemic peak. All patients>or=1 year old, with a clinical diagnostic of flu were included.
Results: One hundred and eighty-five GPs (150 NAI prescribing and 30 non-prescribing physicians) have included at least 1 patient. Prescribing physicians were the best informed on flu and NAI. 660 patients were analysed (250 NAI+ and 410 NAI-). 66% of NAI+ and 40% of NAI- attended to a consultation within 24 h (P<0.001). 31% of NAI+ and 20% of NAI- had a visit at home (P=0.002). Among the patients without complication at inclusion (N=585), 3% of NAI+ received an antibiotherapy vs 13% of NAI- (P<0.001). 43% of the patients had a sick leave, shorter for the NAI+ than NAI- (respectively, 3.7+/-1.7 vs 4.2+/-1.7 days, p=0.017). NAI was taken within 3 hours (median) after prescription by the 78% of the patients who returned their diary cards. The NAI+ patients had a faster improvement of symptoms than NAI- (within 24 h, respectively: 18 vs 5%, P<0.001) and they returned faster to routine activities (within 48 h, respectively: 27 vs 11%, P<0.001).
Conclusions: This study evidenced the good use of NAI by the physicians. It confirms their therapeutic efficacy in real-life conditions and suggests their prescription allows decreasing antibiotic co-prescriptions and sick leaves duration, profits to consider in NAI benefit/risk ratio.