We have assessed the influence of the ABO blood group, gender and age on plasma levels of the coagulation factors II, V, VII, VIII, IX, X, XI and XII as part of a quality audit of laboratory activities. There was no statistically significant difference in gender donor age (total normal donors: n = 406, mean/median age = 46.0/47.0 years, range = 16-77 years; females: n = 177, mean/median age = 44.7/46.0 years, range = 16-75 years; males: n = 229, mean/median age = 47.0/48.0 years, range = 17-77 years). With increasing age, we observed small but statistically significant rises (linear correlation; P < 0.01 for all parameters) in factors V, VII, VIII, IX and XI. With gender, we observed higher levels (P < 0.05) in females for factors II, VII, X, IX, XI and XII. With the ABO group, we observed lower levels in the O group (versus non-O group; P < 0.05) for factors VIII, IX and XII. We could therefore define differing normal reference ranges based on the differing study data. Study findings are compared with previously published literature, and this has identified a wide diversity in normal reference ranges both between different factors and between different studies. Finally, we also performed a cross-laboratory audit of peer laboratory practice and similarly show a wide diversity in normal reference ranges used between different laboratories.