Introduction: The aim of the study was to compare the character of inflammatory reaction in the groups of sick children, asymptomatic carriers of HPV and healthy children by quantitative and qualitative study of chosen acute phase proteins like CRP, AT, ACT. Profile of glycosylation of ACT was analysed.
Material and methods: The study group was 21 children treated in ENT Department of Pediatric Institute of the Karol Marcinkowski University for laryngeal papillomatosis (infected by HPV 6/11 in 100%) and the group of 22 selected asymptomatic carriers of HPV 6/11. The control group were 22 children in which the presence of HPV 6/11 DNA was excluded using PCR technique. Serum concentration of the APP was measured using immunoelectrophoresis technique according to Laurell. Qualitative study of the APP based on analysis of AGP and ACT microheterogeneity using crossed immuno-affinoelectrophoresis on agarose gel according to Bog-Hansen in Mackiewicz modification was carried out.
Results: The results were analysed with regard to: 1. the age of the first incident (ten children in whom the first symptoms occurred up to the second year of life, and eleven in whom the first symptoms were detected later; 2. severity of the disease course (seven children in whom four or more microsurgeries were performed within a year, and fourteen children in whom fever than four interventions were carried out). The decrease of ACT, AT levels in serum was observed. It was found that the ACT glycosylation profile is close to normal in sick children, what suggests the absence of inflammatory reaction stimulation.
Conclusions: The results suggest that clinical infection of HPV is likely to be connected with discoordination of immunological reaction mechanism.