Wireless capsule enteroscopy, being a novel, painless investigative technique, is reported to be significantly superior to push enteroscopy in its ability to find bleeding abnormalities in the small intestine. Here we report a case of acute jejunal obstruction following wireless capsule endoscopy. The patient had a 1-month history of gastrointestinal bleeding of unknown source. Further evaluation including gastroscopy and colonoscopy, angiography and computed tomography (angio-CT), and radio-labeled erythrocytes scan failed to reveal a source of bleeding. Therefore, wireless capsule enteroscopy was performed. Before capsule endoscopy, there was no clinical or imaging evidence of strictures or stenosis. At readmission it could be shown that there were two inflamed strictures of the small intestine. The capsule was detected at a stricture of the small intestine detected by abdominal ultrasonography and conventional computed tomography. The patient underwent a medical treatment with steroidal and other anti-inflammatory drugs for a total of 23 days and was discharged without complaints. Acute laparotomy after readmission with jejunal ileus proofed the capsule occluding two highly inflamed jejunal stenosis caused by Crohn disease. The present case demonstrates the potential for complications when wireless capsule enteroscopy is performed in the presence of intestinal strictures. Any history of inflammatory bowel disease, abdominal irradiation, cancer, obstruction, and abdominal surgery must be elicited in detail and may exclude the use of wireless capsule enteroscopy.