We report a 600-MHz 1-mm triple-resonance high-temperature-superconducting (HTS) probe for nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. The probe has a real sample volume of about 7.5 microl, an active volume of 6.3 microl, and appears to have the highest mass sensitivity at any field strength. The probe is constructed with four sets of HTS coils that are tuned to 1H, 2H, 13C, and 15N, and there is a z-axis gradient. The coils are cooled with a conventional Bruker CryoPlatform to about 20 K, and the sample chamber can be regulated above or below room temperature over a moderate range using a Bruker variable temperature unit. The absolute S/N for 0.1% ethylbenzene is approximately 1/3 that of a conventional 5mm probe with just 1/70 of the sample volume. We demonstrate the utility of this probe for small molecules and proteins with 2D spectra of just 1.7 microg of ibuprofen and 400 microM 15N-labeled ubiquitin.