Cryptosporidium species are ubiquitous in the environment and are frequently detected in the stools of children who live where sanitation conditions are poor. To better characterize the immune response to these parasites, we monitored immunoglobulin G (IgG) antibody levels in a cohort of children from Lima, Peru. Two new enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays based on the C. parvum (bovine, subtype IIa) Iowa strain 17-kDa and 27-kDa antigens were used to measure IgG antibody levels in longitudinal serum samples. Antibody responses were detected during infections with C. parvum, C. felis, and C. meleagridis and with four different subtypes of C. hominis. We also noted that the magnitude of the antibody response was related to the number of previous infections and that older children generally had higher levels of antibodies to the two C. parvum antigens. Antibody responses were not associated with infections with either Cyclospora sp. or Giardia sp. We believe the antibody assays will be important tools for monitoring the success of future public health interventions.