Purpose: Anesthesiologists are often involved in the early management and resuscitation of patients who have sustained cervical spine injuries (CSIs). The most crucial step in managing a patient with suspected CSI is the prevention of further insult to the cervical spine (C-spine). In this review, important factors related to initial management, diagnosis, airway and anesthetic management of patients with CSI are presented.
Source: Medline search was performed to seek out the English-language literature using the following phrases and keywords: spine trauma; cervical spine; airway management after CSI.
Principal findings: Cervical spine injury occurs in up to 3% to 6% of all patients with trauma. The initial management of a patient with potential spine injury requires a high degree of suspicion for CSI so that early stabilization of the spine can be used to prevent further neurological damage. Diagnostic radiology has a critical role to play; however, clinical evaluation is equally important in excluding CSI in a conscious and cooperative patient. Although in-line stabilization reduces the movement at C-spine, traction causes clinically significant distraction and should be avoided.
Conclusion: A high level of suspicion and anticipation are the major components of decision making and management in a patient with CSI. Endotracheal intubation using the Bullard laryngoscope may have some advantages over other techniques as it causes less head and C-spine extension than the conventional laryngoscope, and this results in a better view. However, the current opinion is that oral intubation using a Macintosh blade after intravenous induction of anesthesia and muscle relaxation along with inline stabilization is the safest and quickest way to achieve intubation in a patient with suspected CSI. In summation caution, close care and maintenance of spinal immobilization are more important factors in limiting the risk of secondary neurological injury than any particular technique.