We have previously reported that normal pleural leukocytes secrete a urokinase-type plasminogen activator inhibitor (PAI) in culture. In view of the pathogenic effects of asbestos on the pleura, in particular pleural fibrosis, we have extended these observations to crocidolite asbestos-exposed rats. Pleural leukocytes from rats exposed to crocidolite asbestos were found to secrete more PAI in culture than controls. The activity of PAI in pleural leukocyte-conditioned medium increased in a dose-dependent manner in relation to the quantity of asbestos injected into the lung. However, with increasing time post asbestos instillation, there was no significant change in the secretion of PAI by pleural leukocytes in culture compared with earlier time points of crocidolite-exposed rats. Plasminogen activator was not detectable in the conditioned medium at any time point. The data derived from this study may help to elucidate the pathogenesis of some pleural disorders caused by exposure to fibrous dusts in the lungs.