Cerebral ischemia evokes changes in gene expression time-dependently after the ischemic event. Most studies on transcriptional changes following ischemia have centered on relatively early postischemic time points, and detected multiple genes relevant to neuronal cell death. However, functional outcome after ischemia depends critically on adaptations of the postischemic brain. Plasticity may derive from network-inherent changes, or from the formation of new nerve cells in the CNS. We have screened for gene expression changes up to 3 weeks following a limited photothrombotic cortical insult in the rat sensorimotor cortex by using the sensitive restriction-mediated differential display (RMDD) technique. A high number of genes were detected as induced at early or intermediate time points in the ipsi- and contralateral cortex (6 and 48 h). Unexpectedly, at the late time point examined (3 weeks), we still detected 40 genes that were changed in their expression. We further characterized the expression of two genes linked to neurogenesis (nestin and stathmin), and two genes likely involved in reconfiguring neuronal networks (semaphorin VIa and synaptotagmin IV). Conclusively, our data highlight the degree of long-term transcriptional changes in the cortex after ischemia, and provide insight into functional pathways of relevance for compensatory recovery mechanisms in neural networks.