Tumor emboli of the pulmonary arteries are infrequent and premortem detection of this lesion is rare. We encountered two cases of hepatocellular carcinoma associated with tumor emboli of the pulmonary arteries and subsequent pulmonary infarctions. Plain radiographs and CT demonstrated multiple metastatic pulmonary nodules as well as pleural-based pulmonary consolidations representing pulmonary infarctions. Postcontrast CT also showed filling defects in the main pulmonary arteries. These radiographic and CT features are considered to be characteristic of tumor emboli of pulmonary arteries and subsequent pulmonary infarction. In one patient whose initial symptoms were chest pain and bloody sputum, CT was useful in detecting the primary site of tumor emboli of the pulmonary arteries. It should be kept in mind that neoplasm with a tendency to venous invasion can cause tumor emboli of the pulmonary arteries and subsequent pulmonary infarction.