We queried 101,951 white, Hispanic, black, Asian, American Indian (i.e., American Indian or Alaska Native in the United States and North American Indian, Metis, or Inuit in Canada) and Pacific Islander (including Native Hawaiian) adults who agreed to be genotypically and phenotypically screened for hemochromatosis as part of the Hemochromatosis and Iron Overload Screening (HEIRS) study about their views on sharing genetic test information with family members. Multiple logistic regression (adjusting for study site, age group, race/ethnicity, preferred language, gender, education group, income group, SF-36 General Health and Mental Health subscales, perceived benefits and limitations of genetic testing, and belief that genetic testing is a good idea) evaluated independent predictors of responding "Strongly Agree" or "Agree" versus "Disagree" or "Strongly Disagree" to the statement "Information about a person's genetic risk should be shared with family members". Agreement that genetic risk information should be shared with family members was high (93% in the overall sample of 78,952 who answered this question), but differed among racial/ethnic groups. Hispanics were significantly less likely to agree that genetic test information should be shared with family members (i.e., 88% versus 92% or more among all other ethnicities). The relationship of perceived limitations and benefits of testing, gender, and age group to the belief that information should be shared differed among racial/ethnic groups, with Spanish-preferring Hispanics being the most different from other subgroups.