In a group of 117 patients with multiple myeloma (MM) examined at the time of diagnosis, i.e. excluding previous chemotherapy, we analysed the levels of propidium-iodide (proliferative) - PC-PI/CD(138) and annexin-V (apoptotic) - PC-AI/CD(138) indices of myeloma plasmocytes using the method of flow-cytometry to determine their relationship to prognosis. It was revealed that patients with high values of PC-PI/CD(138) had substantially worse overall survival than those with low values. Patients with a level of propidium-iodide index > or = 2,8 % exprimed a median survival of 13 months only in comparison with 42 months in patients with levels < 2,8 % (p = 0,0005). In the PC-AI/CD(138) index a reverse trend was registered. Patients with PC-AI/CD(138) > or = 4,0 % had long overall survival (median was not assessable at the time of evaluation), whereas patients with low apoptosis values < 4,0 % had median overall survival 16 months only (p = 0,01). Based on the sequentional graphic analysis of the curves of overall survival was found that the optimal discrimination level sequestering patients with good and poor prognosis was, in the case of PC-PI/CD(138) value 2,8 %, whereas in the case of PC-AI/CD(138) value 4,0 %. Among patients with good prognosis, there were no statistically significant differences in overall survival according to different levels of proliferative and apoptotic index. We conclude that evaluation of the propidium-iodide and annexin-V index using flow-cytometry is a quick, useful, and easily accessible method for the evaluation of plasma cell kinetics and thus prognosis of the disease, multiple myeloma.