Hexanal methylformylhydrazone (HMFH) was administered to Swiss mice by intragastric instillations at weekly intervals of 52 times at 50 or 100 micrograms/g body weight. The treatment induced tumors of the lungs, liver and preputial glands. The tumor incidences in the group that received the lower dose were 74, 4 and 0% in females and 78, 8 and 6% in the males. In the group with the higher dose, the incidences were 90, 28 and 0% in females and 70, 6 and 86% in males. The corresponding tumor incidences in the untreated animals were 26, 0 and 0% in females and 26, 0 and 0% in males. The histopathological examination revealed adenomas and adenocarcinomas of lungs, benign hepatomas and liver cell carcinomas, and squamous cell papillomas and carcinomas and adenomas of preputial glands. HMFH is the sixth carcinogenic ingredient found in one of the false morel mushrooms, Gyromitra esculenta. Because this fungus is considered edible, the health hazard implications cannot be discounted.